
Enterprise Edition tukee monimutkaisempia prosesseja ja suurempia voluumeja.

Powerful and Configurable

Manu Online Enterprise Edition includes all the powerful process management tools of our Mini Enterprise Edition but extends the system to handle specific complex processes and also key processes in bulk. Advanced and high volume manufacturing is now accessible to smaller companies using ERP cloud software.

Selvitämme yhdessä kanssasi yrityksesi tarkat vaatimukset prosesseille ja konfiguroimme järjestelmän tavoitteisiisi sopivaksi. Tyypillisesti Enterprise-asiakkaillamme on laajempi käyttöönottoprojekti kuin Mini Enterprise -asiakkailla.

Tarjoamme mielellämme täysin konfiguroidun järjestelmän yrityksenne yksilöityihin vaatimuksiin.

Ota yhteyttä

Enterprise Core system

Enterprise Edition -versiomme on konfiguroitavissa liiketoimintaprosesseihisi sopivaksi käyttämällä ydinjärjestelmäämme ja mitä tahansa pukumme laajennuksia. Ydinjärjestelmä on tiivistetty:

  • Partners: Manage suppliers, customers and any other kind of company that you do business with.
  • Items: Create five item types for materials, work time, machine time, subcontract and other costs. Plan materials for purchase or manufacturing.
  • Sales: Manage sales orders and quotations with multiple addresses for delivery, invoicing etc.
  • Purchase: Create purchase orders based on demand. Link purchase items to manufacturer or supplier codes automatically.
  • Warehouse: Manage inventory in multiple locations with FIFO costing. Shipping, receiving, returns.
  • Production: Create production work orders with multi-step routing. Service work orders for time and materials. Schedule production with a production planner. Progress work on the shopfloor with touch screens and barcodes. Track work time and operators to work orders.
  • Invoicing: Create sales invoices based on fulfilled orders or just own requirements. Enter purchase invoices to match off receipts and manage landed costs. Transfer sales and purchase invoices to supported cloud accounts systems.
  • Planning: Realtime MRP for planning procurement and manufacturing. Clear visibility of shortages.
  • Traceability: Serial number or Lot Tracking on products, subassemblies and purchased materials.
  • Costings: Realtime FIFO inventory cost tracking. Work order costings. Sales margin tracking.
  • Reporting: Extensive suite of PDF and Excel reports.
  • Connectivity: Public apps. Support for Zapier.

Enterprise edition muokattavat lisäosat

These extensions are only available for our Enterprise customers that have a configured system. In addition to these all Extensions of the Mini Enterprise Edition are available.

by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description The Manu Online Shopify app connects your Shopify store to your Manu Online account. Sales orders entered by customers into your store are entered into your Manu Online account automatically. And when the goods are dispatched to the customer, then Shopify receives this information so that Shopify can alert the customers. Benefits Automate [...] The post Shopify appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description Multiple Business Units allows you to set up multiple logical organisations inside one company. If your different organisations are in different legal entities then please look at the Manu Online Multi Company Edition. Having a new business unit it a great way to manage a new corporate acquisition which is merged  to your [...] The post Multiple Business Units appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description Add more than one production location to your account. Work with multiple factories or set up virtual factories at your subcontractors. Deliver materials between factories to make a whole manufacturing supply chain. Deliver some products from one factory and other products from a different factory, even when combined onto a single sales orders. [...] The post Multiple Production Locations appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description Keep your accounts system up to date with your current inventory values. Each transaction at a parent level is exported to your accounts as a manual journal entry. By parent level it means as a dispatch, receipt, work order even if there are individually many items or components in a work order. This [...] The post Tracking Inventory Value in your Accounts appeared first on Manu Online.
A computer screen is open to a page that says appending
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description The Sales Configurator allows sales staff to build custom assemblies of a product inside a sales order line using a guided process. By using configurator classifications then the sales staff would be unable to sell misconfigured products. For instance, if a product is assembled either for the 230V or the 110V markets, the [...] The post Sales Configurator appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description Divide all of your material items into different groups so that individual users can not immediately see items that are not relevant to them. For instance, let sales staff only see products so they are not presented with all purchased components used in manufacturing. One item can be in one visibility group e.g. [...] The post Visibility Groups appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description Allows the sales team to request specific lots for certain sales order lines. This can be used where all produced lots are not exactly the same, for instance heat numbers of ceramic tiles or packs of wood with different contents, potentially discounting stock that is near its end date. Note that this will [...] The post Lot Requester appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description Storage bays are to mark the physical location of lot tracked inventory inside a warehouse. Some companies may call this the shelf number. This is the core feature for warehouse management. After materials are received, they will automatically go to a receipt bay. From there they can be transferred to another bay before [...] The post Storage Bays appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description Allows the user to set instructions for manufacturing on a product. The instructions are displayed on the work order for operators to follow. Instructions can include replaceable elements based on other fields of the item card, for example the instruction can be “Add 2g of salt to the mixture” where “2” is the [...] The post Work Instructions appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description Product variants allow the manufacturing of different variations of a product inside a production work order. The classic example is making T-shirts in small, medium and large sizes. Manu Online can plan and control the quantities of raw materials needed for the amounts of each variant being manufactured. As well as different product [...] The post Product Variants appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description Our data warehouse connection app allows you to export a summarised copy of your data to an external SQL server. The external server can be used for your own reporting tools and for data security. It can be a cloud server on your own account or a physical server in your own location. [...] The post Data warehouse appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 16 elokuu 2023
Description For higher volumes of transactions, this extension offers bulk creation of sales order shipments. Benefits Saves data entry work significantly in higher transaction environments. Allows you to create multiple shipments based on product availability Flexibility to choose if the process creates under construction or active documents, so giving you time to review the [...] The post Bulk processing – Sales invoices appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 15 elokuu 2023
Projekteihin voidaan kerätä useita eri kustannuksia eri osista järjestelmää antamaan yleiskuvan projektin kannattavuudesta. Projektit voivat sisältää useita myyntitilauksia, myyntitarjouksia, suoramyyntiä, erilaista myynti-laskutusta ja myytyjen tuotteiden kustannuksia. Myös erilaisia ostolaskutuksen tietoja sekä sekalaisen materiaalin ja työn keräystä palvelutyöeriltä. [...]
by Jussi Schultink 11 elokuu 2023
Description The purchase planner tool creates a batch of purchase orders based on actual demand, sales forecasts and minimum stock level information. The purchase planner is an important tool in business automation and relies on information from many parts of the system to quickly generate purchase orders each to the correct supplier with correct [...] The post Bulk processing – Purchase planner appeared first on Manu Online.
by Jussi Schultink 7 elokuu 2023
Description For higher volumes of transactions, this extension offers bulk creation of production work orders Benefits Saves data entry work significantly in higher transaction environments. Allows your business processes to be designed at a more granular level. For instance go from bulk manufacturing to one work order per customer order manufacturing to shorten lead [...] The post Bulk processing – Work orders appeared first on Manu Online.
Katso Ominaisuuksien vertailu

Räätälöinti ja kehitys tukevat kasvua.

Tiimissämme on kokemusta erilaisista integraatioista – kuten myös meidän avoimen API:n tukemisesta.

Räätälöinnit voivat sisältää:

  • Tarroja
  • Raportteja
  • Kenttiä
  • Muita kriittisiä ominaisuuksia
  • Taloushallinnon integraation
  • Muita intergraatioita
  • Zapier
  • Lisää

Asiakkaamme kertovat

A woman wearing green gloves and a green hoodie is standing next to a barrel.

”Taloushallintomme halusi ehdottomasti käyttää Xeroa ja kun Manu Online on integroitu siihen, ovat niin talous- kuin operatiivinen osasto tyytyväisiä.Kaiken kaikkiaan tämä oli juuri se ratkaisu jota haimme”

Jane G


"Erinomainen järjestelmä tuotannon ja varaston hallintaan, hyvä asiakaspalvelu tuo lisäarvoa"

Matt D

“Kuluneen 10 vuoden aikana olemme kasvaneet 250 000 ja 5 työntekijän yrityksestä nyt 2,5 miljoonan ja 30 työntekijän yritykseksi.” 

Neil Benn


"Selkeä valikko ja valikkopolut tekevät Manussa navigoinnista iloa SAP:n käytön jälkeen. Manun asiantuntijoiden antama verkkokoulutus Manun erittäin hyvä"

Kyla H
Supply Chain Facilitator
