Zapier lets you connect Manu Online to 2,000+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.
Each Zap has one app as the Trigger, where your information comes from and which causes one or more Actions in other apps, to where your data gets sent automatically. A single Zap is a one way data flow. A Zap may also contain complex data logic in between the Trigger and the Action.
Sign up for a free Zapier account. Without cost you can get some connections working. Zapier has a number of different pricing packages depending on volume and features. Depending on your exact requirements for interconnectivity to Manu Online, you would need the Starter account or above which is currently listed at $19.99 per month.
Helpoin tapa käyttää Zapieria on ennalta määritetyt yhteydet. Näitä kutsutaan "Zap-malleiksi". Esimerkiksi malli {0} määrittää yhdellä kertaa Manu Online -myyntitilauksen aktivointikäynnistimen lähettämään sähköpostihälytyksen. Rakennamme parhaillaan ensimmäisiä Zap-mallejamme ja listaamme ne tänne sitä mukaa, kun niitä tulee saataville.
By creating Zaps yourself you can connect your Manu Online account directly to any of the thousands of other systems supported on the Zapier eco-system. You don’t need any programming knowledge, but you do need a good technical view of what are your business processes and what you want to achieve. If you would like us to create a Zap for you, please Ota yhteyttä and we can investigate what kind of project it would be.
All of Manu Online triggers are “Instant” (data will be submitted to the Zap immediately).
ALV-rekisteri: FI10148594
United Kingdom
Manu Online Ltd
4500 Parkway, Whiteley
PO15 7AZ
Manu Online Oy
Veikkointie 4
03100 Nummela