Yksityisen sovelluksen luontiin tarvitset ohjelmointitaitoja sekä ohjelmointiympäristön, joka soveltuu Internet-pohjaisen Restful-sovelluspuheluiden luomiseen. Manu Online API käyttää OAuth2 standardia todentamiseen. Sinun on tunnettava OAuth2:n käsitteet, jotta voit luoda ohjelman onnistuneesti.
We support Swagger API documentation. You can browse and try out our API with your own data by going to https://api.manuonline.com/swagger/ui/index. You do not need a private app to browse our Swagger pages but you do need a user with API rights and to have the Public integrations extension licensed in your system.
On myös mahdollista luoda webhookeja. Niitä käytetään käynnistämään toimintoja sovelluksessasi kun Manu Online-käyttäjä tekee jotain järjestelmässä. Esimerkiksi tallentaa kumppanitietoja tai aktivoi myyntitilauksen. Webhookit liitetään yksityisiin sovelluksiin turvallisuussyistä. Vaikka käytät vain webhookeja, sinun on silti rekisteröitävä yksityinen sovellus, vaikka et luo koodia sille.
IMPORTANT: the various API keys and logins issued as part of private apps will allow a developer to gain access to read and modify your corporate data. Treat keys as confidential information. Store them securely and do not send them by unsecured email.
To use private apps, you need to license the “Private apps (API)” extension. Depending on the Edition of Manu Online that you are using and our current pricing policies this extension there may or may not be a charge for this extension or you may need to upgrade your Manu Online account to access it.
Once your app has been approved then the keys will be available. Go back to the private apps screen and click the Edit button next your app.
In addition to the above redirect url’s and client credentials, you will need to use the following OAuth2 settings. You will need to code the logic of getting and refreshing the tokens. We follow industry standards for OAuth2. There are a lot of public resources and training materials for OAuth2 on the internet. One example would be https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/accessing-data/
Access tokens are valid for 30 minutes. Refresh tokens are valid for two years.
In summary the process is as follows:
Choose an end point and press Try it out! Data should be returned. The endpoint “/me” is a good place to test. It will just return your authenticated user name. You will also see the curl code that can be used.New Paragraph
Postman is a utility that is widely used in the industry for working with API’s. Their smallest version is available for free.
Follow Postman’s instructions to set up a new endpoint. Select OAuth2 as the authentication method. Copy the Postman Callback URL back to your app settings in Manu Online.
This is how the OAuth2 set up screen looks for Manu Online in the Postman API test utility.
Notice that Manu api allows only “authorization code” grant type.
After you request the token, you can see that Postman has received the Refresh token and used it to get the Access token:
When sending refresh token notice that it is valid for only one access token to retrieve. When receiving the access token Manu Api returns also a new refresh token. Store new refresh token for next access token retrieve.
Refresh token is sent in this way:
Here you can see the Access Token in Postman’s header:
Webhooks are data transfers triggered by an action by a user in Manu Online. They send data out from the system to the address specified. The server on the receiving end is often called the “listener”. While it is also possible to “get” data from your Manu Online account by using the API, webhooks have a huge advantage in that if there is a transmission error or business logic error on the listener, then the user will get immediate feedback and can try again.
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Manu Online Ltd
4500 Parkway, Whiteley
PO15 7AZ
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03100 Nummela