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ERP Software For Medical Device Manufacturing

Manu Online is the cloud ERP system prebuilt for your medical manufacturing business to run efficiently for the long haul.

Whether you are a manufacturing operation with 10 or 20 employees, 200 or more, we have the cloud ERP solution to help you handle your daily challenges and keep your business future-proof. 

The medical device manufacturing sector is very much dependent on its tracking abilities. From revision control and lot tracking, to serial number tracking and the ability to recall items, all are key components of a well-oiled manufacturing organization.

With Manu Online, there’s no more time wasted returning to customers to check for missing parts, no more surprises when it comes to inventory levels, and no more unexpected shortages.

We also understand the regulatory landscape of medical manufacturing, so our medical device manufacturing software is tailored to support medical device orders that are accurate, safe, and produced in compliance with MHRA regulations.

Ota yhteyttä

Key features of our medical device industry ERP system

In the medical devices industry, ERP (enterprise resource planning) can support everything from inventory management to quality management and regulatory compliance.

Our cloud ERP software solutions provide:

  • Stock control – Our real-time planning engine plans your procurement and manufacturing based on your net requirements from sales and manufacturing. Never again are critical components “forgotten” and remembered only when it is time to ship to the customer.

  • Traceability – Create a unique identification number that shows everything about the product. Regulated industries such as medical device manufacturing require every product to have a unique device number. Our platform enables tracking of the product back to its exact “as-built” structure and can include who of the individual employees have worked on the product, and at what time. This will give visibility across the individual devices for the manufacturer or other stakeholders such as service engineers.

  • Serial number tracking – Our serial numbering features can help speed up transactional processes in your manufacturing and inventory control. Especially for high-value products with multiple components, it can be difficult to succeed without serial number tracking in place. Nearly always, serial numbers are labelled on products with barcodes or RFID, and these can be read by scanners on the product’s journey through production, warehousing, and on to the customer.

  • Lot tracking – Our lot tracking capabilities helps manufacturers trace and filter products by usage, expiration dates, or production dates. Lot tracking is often multi-level so parts or ingredients can be tracked through different levels of subassemblies to the original manufacturer.

  • Consistency of record keeping – Instead of pulling everything back to check all the parts on faulty product reports, which will result in a lot of time lost, complete everything with a few clicks. Find out immediately everything about warranties and repairs for specific products, all within Manu Online.

  • Regulations & compliance – Secure databases, accessible anywhere with an internet connection.


The medical industry faces unique challenges that Manu Online can assist in solving

Speed up through-put times and introduce lean manufacturing.

Getting the product from supply chain to market faster is a growing concern among cosmetic manufacturers. As the product demands grow, the supply and production facilities must also. Being able to track baches and oversee production is essential. 

The unique features of an ERP software system, such as lot tracking and other tools that can manage production can help cosmetic manufacturers to remain competitive by eliminating paper-based manual process and Excel spreadsheets that only hinder productivity.

Täydellinen valvonta

The main raw materials in the cosmetic industry are oil and water. Therefore there are several steps in any given cosmetic production cycle time. Being able to break down and calculate this cycle time begins with the selection and production of these raw materials. 

The cooling period, for example, may make up the longest part of the cosmetics production process, accounting for approximately 60% of the overall cycle time. Track that time and associate costs using the work cell tools available in the production module of our ERP.

Quantity matters

Cosmetic manufacturing often entails mixing quantities of materials with extremely different amounts. For instance, the amount of perfumes in a batch may in milligrams. 

The system needs to support quantities with a large number of decimal places and also be able to purchase materials in the units of the supplier. For instance, buy in with 25 litre containers but use milligrams in products.

Managing production to maximise quality

Using spreadsheets in a modern day medical device manufacturing is risky. Accuracy of using the right ingredient dosage as well as tracking and use of the machines are priorities. Managing production parameters in order to maintain the necessary levels of quality is highly important. 

How does Manu Online’s ERP software work for Medical Device Manufacturers?

With medical device ERP, medical device manufacturing organisations can manage critical areas such as supply chain management, inventory control, financial planning, and customer relations.

Using Manu Online helps medical device manufacturers increase efficiency and reduce costs by eliminating manual processes and reducing errors. You will also have real-time visibility into your business, enabling you to make better decisions, faster.

Our MRP (Materials Resource Planning) engine works by helping you plan and manage sales, purchasing, manufacturing, stock control and invoicing. Because it is a fully integrated solution, your sales and purchase activities are integrated directly to the status of procurement and production.

This means you can:

  • Automate business processes to be more efficient
  • this means you can type a serial number in the system, and get a full record of that product, what, when, where.

  • Reduce inventory costs, speed up throughput, increase profit
  • No longer the need to go and check in the box for parts or any other information that may be missing.

  • Less expensive upfront costs
  • No need for customisation, comes out of the box equipped with all the tools you need to grow your medical device manufacturing business.

Access anywhere with an internet connection – You can check your stock or anything else from anywhere as long you can connect to the internet.

On top of this, our professional team of experts are available to assist you with setup, training and support.

We have extensive experience in supporting medical device companies of all sizes and types, so you can rest assured that your system will be configured correctly and that you’ll receive the highest level of customer service.

Ilmainen kokeilu


Manu Online tarjoaa konkreettisia etuja valmistajille.


Se on yksinkertainen ja erittäin helppo ottaa käyttöön.

Customisabilty and configurability

Configure the system to get the maximum benefit for your own processes. Reports and label printing designed to suit your exact requirements.

Always know where your stock is

Pidä silmällä, mitä tapahtuu. Jäljitä nimikkeitä, materiaaleja, eriä, vanhenemispäiviä ja paljon muuta.

Efficient Production Management

Ei koskaan enää kriittisiä unohdettuja materiaaleja jotka huomataan, kun on aika valmistaa tai toimittaa tuote.

Varaston valvonta

Vähennä varaston arvoa, nopeuta läpimenoa ja kasvata tuottavuutta.


Käytä Manu Onlinessa jo saatavilla olevia natiivisovelluksia tai liitä muita sovelluksia nykyaikaisen avoimen sovellusliittymämme kautta.
